The Puzzle of Me

 Every day, brows sweating and mind pacing, I do a puzzle. I lay out all the pieces on the floor and get to work. At first, I identify corner pieces of the puzzle and configure them in their appropriate positions. Then, I start filling in the spaces between the corner pieces, noticing each puzzle piece and its differences from the others. One puzzle piece is labeled “precision to details” while another one is labeled “ambitious”. Not quite sure what the end result will be, I patiently continue to place the pieces in their position as I focus on deciphering the picture they construct. After 16 years of doing this puzzle, I have still not completed it - because the puzzle is me.

The complexity of my puzzle stems from the fact that the pieces counteract each other to maintain homeostasis. Through my journey of contriving this complex puzzle, I came across characteristic pieces emulating my identity. Integral pieces include kindness and empathy that allow me to understand clinical patients and students I tutor to offer comfort and hope when they need it most. Another piece of the puzzle shows my tendency to trust others, which can sometimes hurt me if the other person takes advantage of this. Other pieces of the puzzle reflect my practice of setting high goals and how sometimes my self-confidence is hurt if I don’t reach these high goals. However, these pieces in the puzzle are interwoven into other pieces that remind me to never settle for mere success and to always look for ways to keep building on my achievements and personality. One puzzle piece shows how I value precision and  often focus on too many details. Yet, this same puzzle piece allows me to play violin and piano with pin-point accuracy. Despite this, I remind myself to focus on the bigger picture of the puzzle instead of knit-picking individual pieces. Displayed on a piece is my tendency to play life safe, nurturing responsible decision-making. Although this trait keeps me clear from troubles, I aim to take more risks and expose myself to vast experiences. While embarking on these unconventional tours, I may end up picking up more puzzle pieces as souvenirs to add to my puzzle or discovering new personality traits and interests.

Right now, my puzzle is incomplete but all the pieces complement each other and welcome an endless array of possibilities for the person I am and can still grow to be. Solving my puzzle is an ongoing process as I strive to acquire more traits to develop myself. I will continue to modify the elements of my puzzle as I grow out of my weaknesses and add to my strengths


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