Typical Students
Some students in high school stack their schedule with a bunch of challenging classes and leave no time for anything fun. Like do they not have anything better to do? Why do they spend endless hours into the night studying for tests and finishing homework when they could be indulging themselves in activities they actually enjoy. Everyday they arrive at school as zombies as they struggle to get through the day filled with a million tests in their million AP classes.
It seems to be a competition between these students with their friends to see who can take the most amount of AP classes, who can win the most award, who can earn the best grades, who can play the most varsity sports. Why do these student push themself so hard? What is their light at the end of the tunnel? Is there really a reason, or is this just a new game, high-schoolers play?
Do they do all this to prove their worth on a few sheets of paper? Do they define themselves just by this? Is this what drives them to participate in some activities that they don’t really enjoy but simply do because “it looks good”. How has it changed that students now follow the expectations of an omniscient person for 4 whole years? It’s questionable to answer if this is really worth it for students to live like this and why they would allow themselves to be reduced to simply numbers.
Nevertheless, it is not strange to consider students staying up past midnight trying to keep up with the rigor they have drowned themselves in and leaving the fate of their future in an invisible person’s hands.
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