Assumptions & Mindsets

 Last week, I started on my AP Physics C homework. Before I even started the assignment, I started to think about how I thought the class was so difficult and how I am bad at physics. I wondered, “why did I sign up for this class...I should have taken an easier class instead”. Because of this mindset, I felt that I could not do the assignment because I did not know the content. However, after looking through the class notes, I started to understand the content and began working on the assignment. In this case, I just assumed that the challenge was too hard for me to overcome so I put myself in a fixed mindset. 

I realized that assumptions like these cause me to hesitate before pursuing challenging things. I sometimes feel that the task is too difficult. However, after putting in effort for the challenging task, I am able to progress, improve and complete the task. 

Now, I have realized that when presented with something difficult, it is best to not make assumptions about my abilities or the nature of the task. Instead, I should focus myself in putting forth great effort to overcomes these “hurdles”. If I make assumptions about my abilities, I will only lock myself into a fixed mindset that hinders personal growth. With this, I will block myself from seeking out challenges, when these challenges are the ones that sparks the greatest realizations and growth. While embarking on these challenges, I can explore new interests, traits and qualities. 


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