Banksy—Dismaland Art
In this work of art, Banksy satirizes aquariums and zoos by employing the toilet bowl, hula hoop and kiddie pool. These elements suggest that the animals at these places are confined and aren’t able to live freely and contently. Banksy utilizes indirect satire to mock how sea-animals are kept captive in a space that is simply too small.
As if this were not enough, the sea-animals are forced to perform tricks all while being confined for other people’s pleasure. This aspect causes a reflective tone to its viewers as they ponder on this practice by human nature and think about whether it is worth jeopardizing and harming a living thing’s existence for simply brief enjoyment and monetary value. By creating a mocking, satirical and reflective tone, Banksy hopes that people will view his work of art and change their human practices to better reflect the interests of sea-animals, as they are living things too.
This piece also criticizes places like SeaWorld as they have made a business by torturing animals. Banksy cleverly mirrors this by including this art in his Dismaland collection, a dystopian take on the theme park, Disneyland. This indirectly implies that the money is tainted. Often times, we wiggle our way out of situations we feel are hindering us from reaching our potential. However, the sea animals don’t have the freedom to escape inhibiting situations and are continued to be used as show-animals and live in a pool that is simply too small to support their existence.
He was successful in emphasizing the cruel nature of aquariums by emphasizing how this practice essentially takes away from the essence and existence of a living things and urges his viewers to enact change. He also points out societal flaws as society is allowing this to happen and not fighting to free sea-animals.
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